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At Raven Stream TV, we buy shoppers, not networks. So note that no matter which streaming channels your ad runs on, it won’t automatically be shown to everyone who watches that channel. It’ll ONLY be shown to your current in-market consumers, based on the targeting parameters we create for your campaign.

We offer each of our customers access to our live ad reporting platform, so you can have constant access to view the performance metrics of your video ad campaigns. We’ll customize your reports to give you as much or as little data as you’d like – from the big picture snapshot down to the granular details.

To put it simply, we can budget your streaming TV ads the same way you budget your network TV ads – but with extraordinarily better results. That’s because when we buy targeted streaming TV ads, we’re buying the attention of actual shoppers, not just generic network air time.

To go into more detail… Just like with other digital ads, we bid against competitors to gain the attention of your shoppers. So the cost of your ad will vary based on how stiff the competition is. Ad costs are carefully tracked over the life of your campaign, and you’ll get 24/7 access to our fully-transparent video ad reporting platform, so you can compare costs and make adjustments in real time.

Our most successful targeting option is in-market purchase intent. This is an exclusive, data-mined feature that others can’t offer.

Aside from that, we can also target your video ads based on any combination of the following demographics:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Zip code
  • Household Income
  • Education level
  • Relationship status
  • Hobbies/Interests
  • Websites recently visited

We work with talented video ad writers, videographers, creative directors, and video editors every day. We’re more than happy to collaborate and work alongside your existing team, or we can recommend private contractors to help you create the video ads your audience is waiting to see.

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