Soar to new heights

Elevate Your Career

Join Our team

Welcome to Raven Stream TV, where we’re redefining the sales game with a passion for freedom and a dash of rebellious spirit. If you’re a sales maverick who thrives on flexibility and wants to make your mark without being tied down to the 9-to-5 grind, you’ve found your people.

We’re not here to tame your wild spirit; we want you to run free and break the barriers of conventional sales. Say goodbye to stuffy office politics and hello to a world of possibilities where you can unleash your sales prowess from the comfort of your own home. We believe that freedom drives innovation, and innovation fuels success. We’re all about embracing your unique strengths and letting you shine.

Here’s what we’re looking for…

A good human who wants to bring their clients into the smartest environment to spend their ad dollars. We’d prefer if you’ve had some media sales experience. Ethics are really important to us, and we understand why you’re looking around. Sales and marketing culture can be stifling, so we’ve taken steps to fix that.


Easy-going co-workers

Working with a team who understand how hard it is to sell and are ready to make it easier.

100% Remote

We are a fully remote team. No computer peaking. No sign in/ sign off baloney.

open-ended vacation policy

Our Company’s Open-Ended Vacation Policy allows employees the flexibility to take time off as needed, without rigid constraints or fixed limits.

Unbeatable Product Advantage

Win sales easily because this product is the best one in your market.

six figure income

First year. Commission based.

Freedom to thrive

You wont have three sales managers breathing down your neck and watching your every move.

cherry-pick YOUR clients

Cut through the red tape. With us, you’ll have absolute freedom to cherry-pick the most valuable accounts in your region. Improve your existing relationships by giving your clients the smartest, most efficient TV ad placements they’ve ever heard of. 

interested in joining our team?

Lets Talk.

Send us a resume or just a get-to-know-you email. Extra points for sharing a crazy client or boss story!

Current job openings

director of ctv & digital media sales – Chicago IL

director of ctv & digital media sales – Madison, wi

Digital Media Sales Executive