Streaming tv


streaming tv ad facts

Everyone in the industry saw it coming. In the summer of 2022, the headlines announced it loud and clear – streaming surpassed both network and Cable television viewership. Drop the mic, end of story. And it’s only gotten better since then.

Many of us at RavenStreamTV have spent decades in the network and cable industry. We were early adopters of digital advertising, dabbling in everything from search to social media, pre-roll to display. Some of us even feel we “invented” streaming advertising technology over steaks and drinks, envisioning the “someday” of highly-targeted marketing on the largest screen in every home.

While we may not be the true inventors, we’re thrilled to have witnessed the birth of this industry. Years into the transition from terrestrial and cable TV, we celebrate every day the remarkable effectiveness of streaming TV as the best marketing tool we’ve ever encountered.

Here’s what we love most about Highly Targeted Streaming TV (HTST):


With HTST, advertisers can precisely target specific audiences based on their interests, location, viewing habits, and current online behaviors. This means delivering your ads to the right people, at the right time, with the right message. This level of targeting increases ad relevance and effectiveness, leading to higher engagement, conversion, and (drumroll) higher sales.


We can track and measure the success of your campaigns in real-time, because we get precise insights into what’s working and what’s not. This gives us the flexibility to make quick adjustments and optimizations to improve your ad performance mid-campaign. Compare that to your traditional network TV ads that are rigid, clunky, and never truly measurable, because they can only rely on estimated ratings and rough demographics.


HTST offers a non-intrusive advertising experience. Unlike network TV commercials that interrupt and annoy viewers with a five-minute block of random ads, HTST are integrated seamlessly into the programming. With shorter ad breaks that deliver relevant videos, viewers are more likely to absorb your message and engage with your brand. When we’re really on point, your viewers will even hit the replay button!


HTST is cost-effective. Advertisers can reach a large, highly targeted audience at a lower cost compared to traditional network TV advertising. This means it’s an attractive option for businesses of all sizes, from small start-ups to large corporations. Imagine all the money you’ll save when you’re targeting real consumers rather than just gross rating points and thousands.

If we haven’t made it clear, HTST is focused on reaching buyers, not just viewers. This leads to tangible sales rather than a fantasy-based “awareness” of your business. Feel free to reach out if you’d like to chat further.