Highly Targeted Streaming TV (HTST)

The Magic of Highly Targeted Streaming TV

We’ll help you target your TV ads based on an extensive array of options that traditional television could never deliver.

What if you could send your TV ad ONLY to the viewers that are currently in-market for what you’re selling, and skip the rest?

The fact is, only a small percentage of the general population is actively interested in your offer at any given time. So why pay for the viewers you don’t really want?

Every moment of every day, consumers are sending digital signals to tell us what products and services they’re interested in right now. Through their online shopping behaviors, internet searches, YouTube video history… The list goes on and on. With careful data mining and consumer analytics, our team has created a proprietary method to harvest that information and apply it to your TV ad campaigns.

With Highly Targeted Streaming TV (HTST), we can cherry-pick the exact audience that’s most valuable to you. We buy the attention of your shoppers, not just a generic mass of viewers on a given network. So no matter who’s watching The Kardashians on Hulu on a Tuesday night, the only people who will see your video ad are the ones who are most likely to be interested in your offer.

Aside from in-market purchase intent, we can also target for specific traits like age, income, gender, zip code, relationship status, education level,  interests/hobbies, and more. For example, maybe you have two versions of your TV ad, and you want to send one to Millennials and a different one to Baby Boomers? Let’s do it. How about an alternate language version to go to Spanish speakers? We got you. Want to target your luxury product video to a high-income demographic, and send your budget promo to blue-collar folks? Great idea! We can make it happen.

With segmented targeting like this, we’ll make sure your consumers are seeing exactly the video ad they want to see, precisely when they’re ready to see it.

One of our customers runs a department store full of all kinds of home goods. Furniture, home decor, appliances – the works. In the old days, we tried to mash all of those products and offers into one big TV commercial, and hope that someone would see something they wanted. These days? You guessed it! The furniture ads go to the furniture shoppers, the refrigerator ad goes to the fridge shoppers, yadda yadda yadda.

How’s that department store doing today? You better believe their sales are skyrocketing.

So no, it’s not really magic. We’re just making use of consumer data in ways we could only dream of years ago. Reach out today and we’ll help you corral, understand, and deploy in just a few short weeks. We’re here to help.